Sassy Nanny



Sassy Nanny is a 2D, top-down flail-em-up.

It was made in C using the C Processing library.

Our team, also named Sassy Nanny, was composed of 3 BSCS students (BSCSGD, BSCSRTIS).

In this project, I was responsible for the physics (collision detection and motion), audio effects, particles, and other systems that contributed to game feel.

It was created for my first semester DigiPen game production project (GAM 100).


In Sassy Nanny, you play as a nanny who floats through the sky, fending off bullet-monsters with her enormous red flail.


One of the enemies is like, a flying cyborg zombie.

It’s probably best if you don’t question the lore of this universe.

I’m pretty bad at this game- I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to the end of our background music, but I’m pretty sure we’ve had testers surpass my best game on their first try ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ice Cream Tycone