Valkyrie Quest

Junior DigiPen game production project (2020-2021)

Team: High Tyr Games, 16 members

Engine: Unreal Engine 4 with Blueprints scripting

My roles: UI, Gameplay, AI, Level Design

 Valkyrie Quest was my Junior game production project created during 2020-2021.

Early on I figured out how to animate a health bar with UMG.

I figured out how to animate a health bar with UMG.

Health pips- each health pip has an intact and cracked state. Our character has 10 hit points!

Health pips- each health pip has an intact and cracked state. Our character has 10 hit points!


As I started working on the boss behavior tree, I got to the point where I wanted it to attack the player. I had that functionality written already, I just needed to add the node.

Inspiration struck, and I made this gif instead.


If that gif struck fear into your heart,

that was by design


Of course there isn’t anything special about a Niagara particle system spewing out tens of thousands of physics-enabled particles.

Nevertheless, I made one that does that.


I did a lot of the game’s particle VFX

Including the ice spell

Here’s it looking more like a fireball!

I like the feel of the final spell


Fenrir Battle

I was responsible for the boss AI as well as the boss arena


Isles of Limbo